
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Classroom Set-up Day 2

Today I managed a full day working in my room and my feet are not happy about that! Here is a quick update on the progress I made in my room today. And yes, it got worse before it got better :P

View from the door.

My FREE pile. Most of this stuff belongs to the school so I cant throw it away. I either have to convince a teacher to take it or store it in my room. If you remember my table drama from last year you'll be happy to find out that I got rid of my last extra table today! YAY!

Flamingo curtains are up and looking Fabulous!

A peek under the curtains at my new Read-Aloud boxes with round labels.

Ugly old clipboards. All summer I had been planning to paint these or cover them or something. But I guess I  didn't remember what horrible shape they were in. I think I'll just scrap them and buy new ones in January when we get our team order budget.

Library. All those boxes are EMPTY by the way. :)

My desk. Each classroom has a network printer so it is usually on the other side of the room with the student computers. Today I decided to drag it as far as it's little cord would allow and got it within reach from my desk. No more getting up 5 million times when I can't remember which way to put the labels in.

Most of my library books, ready to be sorted into baskets.

This is my focus area for tomorrow. I want to get those shelves cleaned out and reorganize the cabinets.

Guided Reading/Math odds and ends

Math storage nice and handy for small groups.

That's it for now. I'm starting to think I might be able to get it done by Friday...


  1. I have been stalking IKEA for those stupid magazine files for weeks. I'm beginning to think they aren't carrying them anymore, which is causing me great distress -- I don't have *any* bins for my classroom library or to organize all of those lovely DRA books, and those are the most inexpensive option.

    See also: I want to come and raid your free pile. LOL! Your room is looking great -- much more progress than I've made!

    There's No Place Like Second Grade!

    1. I ordered the IKEA magazine files from Amazon last month. They come in sets of 5 or 25. The sets of 25 were cheaper per box. Here's the link:

  2. Still got those pencil caddies? I could use yellow. Couldn't find any for my Superhero class. Outstanding room set up. Happy teaching.

  3. I'm crushing on your teacher book organization! So nice!

    We just have a giveaway pile near the front office and teachers can just take what they want! I try very hard not to go near that table!

    You have a printer in your room!!!

    My clipboards look funky too. The kids write on them. Why do they do that? I'll be interested in seeing what you do with them.

  4. It's coming together nicely! I always wonder how I am going to pack up and then unpack everything EVERY year! And for me I've never had the same room twice! Always moving somewhere new... guess it gives us the chance to clean our things and get rid of whatever we don't need. Love your curtains :) Too cute.

    Reaching for the TOP!
